Formation Materials


Formation I

Apostolicam Actuositatem (Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity)

Catechism of the Catholic Church – Part 4

Chastity This Only One Kind of Love by Gerald Alford, OCDS

Existential Obedience by Gerald Alford OCDS

Promise to be Poor by Gerald Alford OCDS

Community and Growth by Jean Vanier – Chapters 1, 3 (Study Guide for OCDS) Communities can substitute the following article for the topic of Community: Our First Duty as Carmelites

Contemporary Challenge of St John of the Cross: His Life and Teachings by Leanard Coohan (if out of print – Provincial Council recommends substituting another introductory level book on St John of the Cross such as John of the Cross: Man and Mystic by Richard Hardy or Impact of God by Ian Matthew.

Historical Notes of the Carmelite Order by Gabriel Barry OCD

Lumen Gentium – Chapter 8

Story of a Soul by St Therese of Lisieux

Way of Perfection by St Teresa of Jesus

Sample Syllabus for All Levels